The Information in the Reading Passage Is an Example of Which Element From the Plot of the Story?

Definition of Exposition

Exposition is a literary device that is designed to convey important information, within a short story or novel, to the reader. Writers utilize exposition to provide essential backstory for characters, plot, and other narrative elements. This background information allows the reader of a story to emotionally invest in the narrative's arc, characters, and action. Exposition also enhances the reader's understanding of a literary piece of work and encourages their connectedness to it.

Though exposition is a fairly straightforward literary device, writers must finely balance revealing too little in terms of information or sharing too much detail. Either extreme can result in confusion and frustration for the reader.

For example, in the short story "Decease Past Scrabble," Charlie Fish delivers a great deal of exposition in the very first line:

It's a hot 24-hour interval and I hate my wife.

This statement reveals a significant amount of information at the kickoff about the story'southward atmosphere likewise equally the emotional state and mindset of the narrator. However, rather than alienating the reader with too much background information, Fish's assuming exposition entices the reader to continue reading the story to learn what events are to come and why the narrator "hates" his wife.

Mutual Sources of Exposition in Writing

As a literary device, the purpose of exposition is to provide groundwork data about one or more than characters, the story'due south setting, plot events, or other narrative elements. In relaying this backstory, the reader achieves greater enjoyment and understanding of the story and its meaning. Hither are some common sources of exposition in writing so that readers are given sufficient information:

  • description of setting (when and/or where the story takes identify)
  • Dialogue/conversation among characters
  • Character's expressed thoughts and/or observations
  • Story's indicate of view
  • Flashback
  • Narrator's straight description or telling
  • secondary sources of information (such every bit a letter, diary, newspaper, etc.)
  • overheard chat and/or statement within a story
  • emotional state of a character
  • Graphic symbol's response to events and/or plot points in the story

Mutual Examples of Exposition in Well-Known Tales

All narratives require exposition and so that the reader has plenty information and context in order to understand the story. Folk and fairy tales, in particular, require exposition then that their unusual characters make sense and the fantastical plots have meaning. Without such expository data, the storylines would be inaccessible in terms of understanding. Here are some common examples of exposition in well-known tales:

  • Snow White: The queen is obsessed with beingness cute and consumed with jealousy over Snowfall White's greater dazzler.
  • Goldilocks and the Iii Bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Behave leave their domicile in the woods unlocked.
  • Cinderella: Cinderella is good and kind, unlike her stepsisters.
  • The Princess and the Pea: The "pea" is a test to determine the actuality of a princess.
  • The Tortoise and the Hare: The hare is overconfident well-nigh winning the race.
  • Jack and the Beanstalk: Jack and his mother are very poor and take just one moo-cow to sell for coin.
  • Niggling Crimson Riding Hood: The title grapheme is warned non to speak to strangers.
  • The Sleeping Dazzler: The sleeping spell can simply be cleaved by a true love's kiss.
  • Craven Lilliputian: It was an acorn that roughshod on the title grapheme'southward head.
  • The Emperor'due south New Dress: The "tailors" are charlatans.

Methods of Conveying Exposition

Writers accept choices in the methods they utilise to convey exposition in a story or novel. Ideally, so that the reader'southward experience is interesting and meaningful, a writer should non limit themselves to just one style of relaying information. Here are the most common methods of carrying exposition:


Narration is a uncomplicated and direct method of conveying exposition. The narrator of a story or novel has the role of revealing information to the reader, including exposition. The type of narration influences the way such background data is relayed or dispensed. For example, an omniscient narrator can "see" everything in the world of the story as well every bit into each grapheme'south thoughts and emotions, and can thereby provide whatever information about any character or aspect of the story at whatsoever time. A first person narrator, even so, should just be able to convey whatsoever backstory or emotional information in a limited way.


Dialogue between characters is an effective method to convey exposition. An exchange of words can introduce important background data in a natural and unforced manner inside a story. Dialogue is an indirect fashion of incorporating disquisitional details in expository writing. Chat and fifty-fifty statement allows a writer to illuminate backstory and context for the reader to attain greater understanding of the narrative, plot, characters, etc, in a story or novel. However, information technology's essential for writers to avoid overusing dialogue as a method of exposition since this can overwhelm and/or bore the reader in addition to appearing forced and unnatural.

Internal Monologue

A character'southward internal monologue is another effective method of carrying exposition. An internal monologue allows a character to limited their innermost thoughts and feelings to the reader in a aboveboard manner. This provides revealing elements and insight in terms of the grapheme themselves, other characters, and perceptions of events in the story.

Examples of Exposition in Literature

In literature, exposition conveys information that advances the plot of a story and provides insight into characters. This literary device requires an artistic bear on so that writers offer their readers enough necessary context for agreement a story without overwhelming them with tedious or inessential detail. Here are some examples of exposition in literary works:

Example one:Sonny's Blues (James Baldwin)

When he was about as old as the boys in my classes his face up had been vivid and open, there was a lot of copper in it; and he'd had wonderfully direct chocolate-brown eyes, and a great gentleness and privacy. I wondered what he looked like at present. He had been picked up, the evening before, in a raid on an apartment downtown, for peddling and using heroin.

In Baldwin's work of short fiction, the narrator provides necessary data about his brother Sonny so that the reader is able to sympathise the disharmonize and tenuous relationship portrayed in the story. Since the narration is in the first person, readers are offered exposition nigh the characters and events through the indicate of view of the protagonist. This establishes an intimacy in terms of the thoughts and feelings of the narrator. Notwithstanding, the expository information is likewise limited to the narrator'due south knowledge, experience, and understanding within the story.

In this passage, the narrator reminisces virtually the physical characteristics of his immature brother as well as Sonny's perceived innocence as a child. This provides exposition in terms of who Sonny was, in his brother'south memory, and creates a stark dissimilarity to who Sonny has become–an addict and convict. The narrator's expository observation reveals information nigh himself in addition to Sonny. The reader learns from this passage that Sonny'due south brother remembers him in detail and with fondness every bit a child. However, the narrator divulges that he doesn't know what Sonny currently looks like. This gives the reader insight into the complex relationship between the brothers and the potential conflict to ensue in the story.

Example 2:The Giver(Lois Lowry)

"Only why can't everyone accept the memories? I recollect it would seem a little easier if the memories were shared. You and I wouldn't accept to bear so much by ourselves, if everybody took a part."
The Giver sighed. "Yous're correct," he said. "But then everyone would be burdened and pained. They don't want that. And that'southward the existent reason The Receiver is so vital to them, and and so honored. They selected me – and you – to elevator that burden from themselves."

In Lowry's novel, the reader is provided express expository information equally the story and significance of this fictional world unfolds. This enhances the suspense of the plot besides as the novel's unexpected twists in action. The higher up passage is an example of exposition through dialogue between the characters of Jonas and The Giver. Equally Jonas asks more than questions of The Giver, the reader develops a greater connectedness to and understanding of this guild and the behavior of its characters. Through expository dialogue, the reader also becomes "The Receiver" of of import information and experiences a parallel journey to that of Jonas through the novel. Every bit a result, the story's meaning and impact is even stronger.

Example iii:The Ocean at the Cease of the Lane(Neil Gaiman)

I was sad that nobody had come to my birthday party, but happy that I had a Batman figure, and there was a birthday present waiting to be read, a boxed set of the Narnia books, which I took upstairs. I lay on the bed and lost myself in the stories.
I liked that. Books were safer than other people anyway.

In Gaiman'south brusk novel, the narrator offers several internal monologues as exposition for the story. This is an effective use of the literary device in that these internal monologues provide insight into the narrator's grapheme, allowing the reader to connect with his thoughts and feelings. As the narrator re-tells the story of his birthday to himself and the reader, he reveals significant information about his backstory and how it has influenced who he has become. The narrator experiences emotional sadness at the thought that nobody attended his birthday party, a sentiment and experience with which many readers may identify. However, he too reveals his coping mechanism in turning to books and reading for connexion, comfort, and safety. This exposition potentially resonates strongly with the reader who, in plough, may experience connexion, comfort, and safety along with the narrator in the earth of Gaiman's literary work.



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